Vet’s can also be eligible for Social Security benefits

I usually have 4 or 5 open Social Security cases in which the applicant is a military veteran with a disability connected to his or her service. Some of these veterans are receiving income benefits. Veterans of US military service who are drawing disability payments from the VA have gone through a rigorous process to get paid. While eligibility for veterans benefits does not guarantee eligibility for Social Security, it is taken into consideration since the standards are very similar. One important difference is that the VA has schedules for partial disability, and for Social Security, an applicant has to be totally disabled, unable to do ANY kind of full time work. A person with a 100% disability rating from the VA should be successful in getting Social Security benefits as well. As with any claim for social security disability insurance (SSDI) benefit the applicant must have paid into the system through payroll taxes to be eligible. If your’e a veteran and have been denied SSDI call me.